I suffer from Cluster Headaches, they are truly awful.

If you’ve found this page you most likely also suffer from CH and are looking into tracking or logging. First off – this code is not ready for prime time. I’m building as I go and could use a hand… I’m also not a developer 🤣

To use the app you’ll need Docker running in your home network, either Docker Desktop on your PC or straight up docker on a NAS or Server / VM.

To simplify things i’ve created a docker-compose.yml file – it lives here. Copy & Paste the contents of that file into notepad on your computer and save it as docker-compose.yml in a new directory on your computer. I suggest c:\clusters for simplicity. In that folder, create another folder called conf.

Download Docker Desktop from here – install it and run it. (Docker is free for personal use)

When Docker is running open up Terminal or a command line of your choice and navigate to the c:\clusters folder you just created. (cd c:\clusters). Ensure the docker-compose.yml file and the empty conf file are in place – then run;

docker-compose up -d

When the magic has completed you should be able to go to http://localhost:8080 and be greeted with the set up screen.

This first part of setup is about where the database is, just click Create Config.
If you have a mongodb instance already running, you can add those details here.

You must fill out the rest of the info including patient info, medication, abortives and symptoms. Finally you can add a pain scale that relates to you.

Once configured you can now log headaches! What a headache…

More info / detail to come.

By oli